Unforgettable Inca Adventure: Lima, Cusco, Short Inca Trail, Machu Picchu, Maras-Moray-Salt Mines, Rainbow Mountain 7D/6N

    • Group Size Up to 12
    • Activity Level Relaxing
    • Accommodation Hotel
    • Trip Type Journeys
  • Book Now

starting your adventure with the vibrant Arrival in Lima. From there, traverse through the captivating Journey Lima – Cusco – Sacred Valley, uncovering ancient treasures. The Short Inca Trail paves the way to the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu. Continue to the enchanting Maras – Moray – Salt Mines, a testament to Incan ingenuity. Conquer the colorful Rainbow Mountain, a hiker’s paradise. Finally, as you bid Peru farewell, your heart brimming with memories, you’ll understand why this journey is unforgettable.

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Municipalidad del cusco